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Title: Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2007/2008
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2007/2008 is one of the two AST periodicals (Winter and Summer) published in 2008. It contains regular AST news items in addition to scientific conferences and historical articles concerning the AST and associated organisations/entities. Articles included in this journal are: "physical habitat in salmonid rivers and streams", "monitoring salmon habitat restoration projects", "SALSEA: the salmon at Sea Programme", "A literary look at climate change", "coastal mixed stock netting", "Dolphins: intelligent, majestic and full of the best wild salmon", "studying the interactions between seals and salmon", "Irish Fishery Report 2007", "Scottish Fishing Review 2007" and "fishy dishes".
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 2008
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: SalmonSalmon fisheriesHabitat assessmentSalmonidaeRiver corridor surveysCoastal watersStocking density
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo truttaSalmo salarSalmonidae
Extent: 48
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