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Title: Salmon fisheries in Scotland
Author: Robert Williamson
Document Type: Monograph
Each salmon-fishing country manages its fisheries in its own different way. Some of the arrangements look strange when seen from across a border or over the sea; but they are of course not strange in their own place. It is therefore important, when discussing the merits of regulations used elsewhere, to understand the full background. I believe that the booklets published by the Atlantic Salmon Trust make a useful contribution to the dissemination of information of that sort. This booklet is about salmon fisheries rather than the fish itself. The biology of salmon, and important developments such as salmon farming, are subjects on their own and are here dealt with only incidentally to the fisheries.
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheriesFishing rightsFishery managementFishery organisationsNet fishingAnglingCatch compositionHatcheriesStock assessmentDisease controlHydroelectric powerFish farms
Geographic Keywords: Scotland
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar
Extent: 42
Total file downloads: 50

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