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1The Lambourn catchment modelling work
2Conservation in the Anglian region
3Salmon in the Dee catchment: the scientific basis for management
4Investigations into the status of fisheries, biological and water quality in the River Pelenna catchment, prior to the treatment of discharges from abandoned coal mines : PL/EAW/95/3
5Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
6The Tame catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1996
7The Hartland Streams catchment management plan : action plan
8An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
9The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : action plan : July 1995
10Snapshots of the environment : a new environmental approach
11The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : final plan : October 1994
12The Ely Ouse catchment management plan : final plan : January 1994
13First annual review of the Taw/Torridge estuary catchment management plan (1996)
14The Louth coastal catchment management plan : final report
15The Blackwater River catchment management plan : first annual review 95/96 : Draft Document
16The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
17First annual review of the River Exe catchment management plan
18Setting up a hydraulic model of the Thurne Broads
19The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1994
20The Cam catchment, Anglian region : proposals for statutory water quality objectives
21First annual review of the River Taw catchment management plan (1996)
22The Upper Nene catchment management plan : final plan : August 1994
23The Loddon catchment, Thames Region : proposals for Statutory Water Quality Objectives
24The Dove catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1995
25The River Arun catchment management plan : action plan