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1Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : North West Region
2Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Midlands region
3Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Southern Region
4Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Anglian region
5Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Thames region
6Guardian of the water environment
7The distribution of nutrients and phytoplankton in the North-East Irish Sea
8Improving the environment in the West Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
9Engineering the environment : profile of the Anglian Engineering Department
10Environmental snapshot for the Anglian region 2002
11What's happening in the South West
12Information [on the NRA Anglian Region]
13A strategy for the management of the new South East Area Biology Team across a dual location following restructuring
14A report on the infaunal communities within Weston Bay in relation to the sewage outfall at Black Rock
15Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - West Area
16Environmental snapshot for the East of England [1999]
17Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
18Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
19Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - South East Area
20Environmental snapshot for the East of England (summary report)
21Improving the environment in Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
22Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
23Integrated pollution control and radioactive substances in the Anglian Region
24Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
25What's happening in the Midlands region : looking at our environment