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Supplementary File

Title: Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 09
Related Party - Individual (Author): Professor Gerald Sargent (University of Queensland)
Related Party - Organisation (Author): Freshwater Biological Association
Related Party - Individual (Author): Doctor Elizabeth Haworth (Freshwater Biological Association) Email address:
This photograph is section 09 of the Esthwaite Water Seismic Survey made in 1983 by Professor Gerald Sargent. It shows seismic survey of transect number 9 from West to East (fixed point 1 to 10). The accompanying map showing the transects for this data is missing.
Subject Keywords: SeismologySurveysLakes
Geographic Keywords: United KingdomCumbriaLake District (England)Esthwaite Water

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -2.993689
    Longitude (East): -2.976866
    Latitude (South): 54.348083
    Latitude (North): 54.369664

Time Window -  Start: 1983 End: 1983
Date Captured: 2015-08-20
Publication Date: 2015-12-22

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

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