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Measurement Data Component

Title: Data for reed litter decay and aquatic macroinvertebrates colonisation
Related Party - Individual (PhD Candidate): Doctor Gary Rushworth* (Freshwater Biological Association) Email address:
Related Party - Organisation (Sponsor): Freshwater Biological Association
Related Party - Organisation (Sponsor): University of Leeds
See the abstract that appears in the dataset.
Subject Keywords: LakesMacroinvertebratesReed swamps
Geographic Keywords: WindermereUnited Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Phragmites australisTypha angustifolia
Observed Properties: ; Artificial substratesFinal massImmersion durationInitial massInstallation dateMesh sizePositionReedsRemoval dateTaxon countVertical
Observed Taxa: Crangonyx pseudogracilisAsellus aquaticusDendrocoelum lacteumPolycelis tenuisTanytarsiniChironominiOrthocladinaeSphaeriumErpobdella octoculataGlossiphonia complanataPhysa fontinalisPotamopyrgus jenkinsiArgulusAcroloxus lacustrisRadix peregraOulimniusIllybiusLype reductaOligochaeta
Parameter: Dry matter mass
Parameter: Habitats
Parameter: Immersion duration
Parameter: Litter Bag Installation date
Parameter: Litter bag Removal Date
Parameter: Litter bag mesh size
Parameter: Litter bag treatment
Parameter: Litter bags
Parameter: Macroinvertebrates

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -2.965563
    Longitude (East): -2.965080
    Latitude (South): 54.421104
    Latitude (North): 54.420960

Phenomenon Time -  Start Date/Time: 2012-09-24 End Date/Time:  2012-11-19
Result Time: 2013-02-10
Valid Time -  Start Date/Time: 2013-02-10
Feature of Interest: hydrosphere
Publication Date: 2015-12-03

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

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