Title: Constructive thinking : save water, save the environment
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Environment Agency booklet aims to promote constructive thinking and water saving. Major housing and economic growth is planned for the South East. Developers have the potential to include water efficient measures in new buildings, promoting and encouraging water conservation. All new households should now be fitted with a water meter. To help customers to save water and money, developers can install devices in new homes that will minimise water consumption without introducing any practical difference to the user. The Environment Agency believe that environmentally friendly houses such as these will have a good market value now and in the future.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 2001]
Publication Place: Sussex
Subject Keywords: Water supply; Water use efficiency; Water use; Sustainable development
Geographic Keywords: Essex; Suffolk
Extent: n.p. [6]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:599
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