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Title: Flow Monitoring Of Discharges: An Audit Manual
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_433, Representation ID: 127, Object ID: 1772
The Water Resources Act 1991 specifically provides for conditions requiring the installation, maintenance and testing of flow meters to measure and record the volume and rate of discharges. The Environment Agency has a duty to enforce the requirements for the provision of equipment suitable for the self monitoring of effluent flows. The Agency will audit by inspection the implementation of self monitoring of flow measurement by dischargers (of both industrial and sewage effluents). This manual has been prepared to provide the guidelines to be employed in this audit procedure. The manual covers the following areas: - The strategy to be adopted by the Agency is detailed covering how to audit the flow metering system. on site, the collection and transmission of data and maintenance records. - A review of the techniques available for monitoring flows at sewage treatment works and from other major dischargers. Daily flows greater than 50 m3 will be considered as those discharges which will normally require permanent flow monitoring. The advantages and limitations of various techniques are discussed. - The audit requirements are detailed in terms of the procedures to verify the installation of monitoring equipment and recording techniques. - Where equipment or procedures need to be installed or implemented, there is guidance on appropriate methods of specifying the self monitoring system.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Water pollutionEffluentsMonitoringInspectionSewageIndustrial wastesBrackishwater environmentFreshwater ecology
Extent: 93
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