Title: Aquatic Litter Information System - Using Digital Technologies
Author: R Earll
Author: G Hall
Author: T Statter
Author: S Marriott
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_404, Representation ID: 113, Object ID: 1746
There is growing awareness that aquatic litter is a very costly and damaging form of pollution. The aim of this project was to enable different types of litter to be identified and linked to their input source. The opportunities for re-assessing technical publication with the development of a wide range of digital technologies is enormous. In relation to this project the use of photographs of litter items to facilitate identification opened up a range of novel possibilities. The development of the project, and in particular the use of the photographic images, prompted a re-appraisal of how sourcing aquatic litter could be undertaken. The sourcing part of the guide was orientated finally at socio-economic and input sources rather than identifying individual items. Because it is possible to view the litter items collectively from a particular source on the screen at one time e.g. sewage related debris or fishing, it is possible then to access specific information on items more easily. This also makes access to information on other aspects of that input e.g. impacts, costs, prevention, much more direct. It is recommended that information systems on an intemet site could be a significant way of enabling access and adding value to project information. This would couple the power of existing information, photographic and other graphics in the information system with focused project outcomes.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Pollution; Information systems
Extent: 26
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4464
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