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Title: Lake restoration : the role of biomanipulation : a one day seminar held in the Broads 18th March 1993 : organised by the National Rivers Authority and the Broads Authority
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: lake restoration - the role of biomanipulation
This document contains abstracts of papers presented at a one day seminar held at the University of East Anglia 18 March 1993 on the Role of Biomanipulation, together with a summary of the discussion.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: ConferencesLakesFisheriesFishesHabitat improvementEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: The BroadsNorfolkBroadland Rivers catchment
Extent: 24
Total file downloads: 5

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