Title: Thames 21 - a planning perspective and a sustainable strategy for the Thames Region : September 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
The NRA can implement a wide range of projects by acting on its own. However, working in partnership with other organisations offers increased opportunities for maximising our effectiveness. The statutory town and country planning system offers a powerful route for promoting NRA policies and we have made substantial progress in this direction in recent years. This chapter reviews the progress that has been made to date and sets out a prospect for closer partnerships with business, local planning authorities and local communities in order to enhance the water environment. Thames 21 has three roles. First, it acts as a bridge between the NRA and external organisations dealing with strategic planning. In this role it seeks to articulate water related interests in Regional Planning Guidance. Second, it provides an easy-to-use summary of current NRA policies for promotion through the statutory development plan system. And third, it provides a regional context for the preparation of Catchment Management Plans with an indication of the development issues which these plans will need to address. This will enable them to promote sustainable natural resource management.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Partnerships; Regional planning; Catchment management; Policies
Geographic Keywords: Thames
Extent: 56
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3578
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