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Title: Upper Thames catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
This consultation report is the first stage of the catchment management planning for the Upper Thames. This document is, therefore, part of a process that will enable a shared vision of the catchment to be developed which will guide all NRA activities for the next five to ten years. This vision and its supporting strategies will be presented in the CMP Final Report. The timetable for completing this report is currently Autumn 1995. Regular monitoring and updating of the plan will be an integral part of the process, ie, the production of an annual progress report and a repeat of the process every five years. The purpose of the consultation phase is to: consolidate and confirm the range and extent of catchment uses; obtain views on the (relative importance of) issues facing the water environment; and, begin the process of identifying and implementing action plans.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management PlansConsultationEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: Upper Thames subcatchmentThames
Extent: 100; + appendices
Total file downloads: 309

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