Title: Resident brown trout : a management strategy : implementation and progress strategy
Author: A.J. Winstone
Author: N.J. Milner
Author: R.C. Cresswell
Document Type: Monograph
In January 1991 a management strategy for resident brown trout was produced and agreed with the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee. This strategy made a total of 25 recommendations ranging from the establishment of a database on trout fisheries to measures for environmental and fisheries protection. This report sets out how the Region proposes to implement the recommendations contained in the strategy. It is clear that full implementation of the recommendations is not possible immediately with present resources. Therefore for each recommendation the present position is discussed, followed by short term proposals which cover a two year time period and which can be implemented within present resources. Longer term proposals, ie. greater than two years, will require additional resources for their implementation.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: [Cardiff]
Subject Keywords: Fishery management; Trout; Fisheries development
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo trutta
Extent: 40; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3336
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