Title: An evaluation of discharge and consent compliance policy : a blueprint for the future
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
Following publication of the Report on Discharge Consent and Compliance Policy in July 1990, the National Rivers Authority (NRA) invited comments on the report from selected parties, representing a number of dischargers. In order to assess the comments, the NRA commissioned Binnie an Partners to assist in summarising the responses and evaluating the possible costs to dischargers (see briefing letter in Appendix A).
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Environmental protection; Waste disposal; Effluents; Licences; Costs; Compliance; Consultation
Geographic Keywords: England; Wales
Extent: n.p. [115]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3155
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