Title: Rural sewerage forum - second meeting 8 December 1993 : 1000 - 1530 - proceedings
Author: National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Rural Sewerage Forum was established as part of the Rural Sewerage Project run by Lower Severn Area of Severn Trent Region of the National Rivers Authority. It aims to promote discussion of problems related to inadequate rural sewerage and investigate the extent of these problems throughout the country. It aims to act as a focus for development of new ideas and practical, affordable solutions to rural sewerage problems. The first meeting of the Forum was held in Tewkesbury in May 1993, attended by 33 delegates, representing local authorities within the Project Area, other regions of the NRA, the DoE and local branches of CPRE and the RCC. It became clear that the problems experienced in Lower Severn Area were shared throughout the country and the reasons for difficulties in resolving them were similar in all cases. The Forum discussed the legal, financial and organisational contraints surrounding the problems and the heightened significance generated by privatisation of the Water Industry. It was agreed to meet again at the'end of the year to discuss developments and results from the Rural Sewerage Project and to develop ideas and thoughts raised at the meeting.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Tewkesbury
Subject Keywords: Meetings; Sewerage; Water conservation; Water use efficiency; Water industry; Groundwater pollution; Effluents
Geographic Keywords: England
Extent: n.p. [111]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2972
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