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Title: The Environment Agency's response to the House of Commons Environment Committee report on the environmental impact of cement manufacture
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This response shows how the Agency's actions and programmes, some already in progress, will meet the shortcomings identified by the Committee. The actions the Agency will deliver are in the attached Table. The Agency accepts that misunderstanding and suspicion will be lessened if it sets out a clear policy on the use of different types of Substitute Fuels (SF) in cement kilns. Accordingly, the response makes clear that the Agency, in line with the principles of sustainable development, is interested in proposals to bum SF in cement kilns, provided the environment is not adversely affected. The response sets out the Agency's policy on the use of SF in cement kilns, and indicates that further details will be developed in a revised Bedford Protocol.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Sustainable developmentIndustrial emissionAir pollutionEnvironment AgencyPolicies
Extent: 45
Total file downloads: 311

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