Title: Regional review and forward look : Midlands
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Environment Agency held its first Annual General Meeting (ACM) in September 1997. The Agency Board decided to extend this consultation process to demonstrate its real commitment to openness and accountability by holding national AGMs in England and Wales and seven regional AGMs in September 1998. As well as being open to the public, people representing a wide range of interests are being invited to attend these events. The purpose of each AGM is to enable the Agency to report on its recent achievements, outline current work and consult on some of our key priorities. This feedback will be used in our future planning. There are eight regional documents - one for each of our regions. They aim to provide a link between our national Environmental Strategy, Corporate Plan and our local plans which we call Local Environment Agency Plans (LEAPs). Due to the strategic nature of this document, we cannot cover all our routine daily work activities, although we would be happy to hear your views on these at any time. This document is structured around the nine themes of our Environmental Strategy. It sets out how we intend to take forward an integrated and long-term approach to the management of the environment, and how we will make an effective contribution towards achieving sustainable development. The nine principal themes which the Agency, in partnership with other groups, will address over the medium to long term are: Addressing climate change; Regulating major industry; Improving air quality; Managing waste; Managing water resources; Delivering integrated river-basin management; Conserving the land; Managing freshwater fisheries; Enhancing biodiversity.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Environment Agency regions; Regional planning; Environmental management
Geographic Keywords: EA Midlands
Extent: n.p. [25]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1275
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