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Title: Report of a workshop on sea trout rod catch and effort data. 11 and 12 March 2015, Plas Menai, Bangor.
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
The workshop was convened, in advance of the 2nd International Symposium on Sea Trout, to review existing approaches to the collection of catch and effort statistics from recreational fisheries for sea trout. Fishing effort specifically targeted at sea trout is poorly recorded if at all. The report highlights that a more cohesive approach to this fundamental component of fisheries management is needed. Catch data are routinely used in assessments of stocks and fisheries throughout the sea trout’s range. They are the connection between the scientists and the fishermen and both groups have an interest in the quality of the statistics. In addition to purely fisheries purposes, environmental impact assessments often call on catch data as the only long term data available on fisheries status. The report reviews catch data critically and makes recommendation to make then as robust as possible.
Publication Date: 2015
Subject Keywords: AnglingCatchesFishery dataRecreationTrout
Geographic Keywords: EnglandIrelandScotlandWales
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo trutta
Extent: 6
Total file downloads: 181

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